The Annual Meeting of Memorial Parkway Members will be Tuesday, November 13, 2018 at 7pm in the Memorial Parkway Clubhouse located at 21600 Cimarron Parkway, Katy TX 77450. In order to have an official meeting, a quorum of 10% of the membership must be present through actual attendance or by directed proxy. If you cannot attend the meeting, please complete the directed proxy and return to the Memorial Parkway Community Office no later than 5pm on November 13, 2018. You can also vote online at
If you are granting your proxy to an owner other than the Board Secretary, please make sure he or she will be attending the meeting. At the Annual Meeting we will hold a Board Election to fill two Board positions open for re-election. The candidates running for the 2019 Board of Directors are Charles Herring, Michael Sheiman, and Michael Smyth. A bio can be found for each candidate below in alphabetical order.
Charles Herring
My name is Charles Herring and I am running for re-election to the MP board. I have lived in Memorial Parkway for 31 years and have been involved with the homeowners’ association for 15 years while serving on the Board for the past 12 years. Prior to this, I served with my wife, Susan, on the Security Committee for many years.
Keeping property values high and our neighborhood safe are my foremost priority. As an auditor for 38 years, I understand the value of a dollar and the proper/ethical use of our community’s money.
I enjoy visiting with my neighbors at the Board and committee meetings while listening to their concerns and helping them find equitable solutions.
My children grew up in this neighborhood and I will continue to strive to do my best to keep Memorial Parkway a safe neighborhood where families choose to make their home.
Michael Sheiman
My name is Michael Sheiman and I am running for the board. I want to make this place to feel like a free vacation and look the part. I aim to make changes that will greatly increase livability, safety, fun, and neighborhood attractiveness immediately, cost very little short term, and make neighborhood values balloon while costing essentially nothing to maintain long term.
I, as an individual, have designed built a small electric car for about $6k, a solar system that charges it essentially free for $1K, an air conditioned tiny home/cabin for about $1.5k and an original $100 rotating swing-set solely on a single software engineer's (my own) budget, creating something out of almost nothing. Likewise, I will not support anything beyond cost limits I could not afford out of my own pocket and will send details of every dime spent to all community members, I run a very lean shop.
Some of my goal projects include
*) A virtually self-policing free text-alert emergency system linked to our patrol and street representatives run through free google mail relay service
*) A nature trail / easement path between the Highland Knolls community center and Hayes, and perhaps longer, extending to Cimarron, with community approval
*) A near zero maintenance solar powered motion gaming pavilion (Nintendo Wii) for virtual reality tennis/golf/bowling for all ages
*) A simple sandbox/pit area similar to that at the Nottingham Country park with a volleyball net
*) Several outdoor community events such as outdoor evening movies, neighborhood runs/races/fundraisers, and group barbecues
Michael Smyth
My name is Michael Smyth and I am running for re-election to the MPHOA board.
I am a Professional Engineer who along with my wife, Kathy, has lived in Memorial Parkway since 1983. I have two grown daughters, Penny and Paige who attended Taylor High School.
Besides my past experience on the board, my professional experience includes working for a major Engineering and Construction Company for over 40 years here in Houston. I have been responsible for managing major engineering and construction projects world-wide valued for billions of dollars.
As a Board Member my main objectives have been and will continue to be:
I look forward to serving the community where my family and I have enjoyed living for the last 30 plus years.
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