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2018 Board Election

2018 HOA Board Election

Thank you to everyone who has already voted in the 2018 Board election. We have had a few questions concerning the election process and would like to reiterate the process.

For 2018, there is ONE Board position open for re-election. This position is for a 3-year term. Due to the vacated seat of a director, the person who obtains the second most votes, will be APPOINTED (by the current Board) to fill the remainder of the vacated term (1 year).

The candidates running for the 2018 Board of Directors is Mike Brahm, Michael Sheiman, and Michael Smyth. The election will be held at the Annual Meeting, November 14th at 7pm.

You should have received your proxy in the mail this week. You can also print a copy here. The proxy can also be found in the October and November newsletter.  You can also vote online at

We have to meet the quorum in order to have a valid election. The quorum is set in the By-Laws at 10%. Therefore, we need 220 homeowners to vote. If we do not have enough members return the proxy/vote, then we will have to do another mailing which will cost the members, $1,200. Please help keep your HOA Dues down, by voting this year.

November Annual Meeting of Members
Security Report for September 2017

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