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MP HOA Annual Meeting, November 9th

Our Annual Meeting of members is Wednesday, November 9th at 7pm at the Cimarron Parkway Clubhouse. Please, if you are unable to attend the meeting in person, fill out the proxy that was recently mailed to you and drop it off at the HOA Office at any time before the meeting. You can drop it through the mail slot in the door if the office is closed. You can also vote online via Survey Monkey. 

We are legally required to get a quorum for the meeting so we can elect the Board members. If we don't get a quorum, we'll have to schedule another meeting and send out mailings again to everyone, costing the HOA hundreds of dollars. 

If possible, please talk to your neighbors and collect proxies from them if they won't be able to attend the meeting. Thanks for your help in support of our community!

SECURITY REPORT October 1, 2016 through October 31...
Security Report September 11 to October 11, 2016

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